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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - commute


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  1. поездка на работу и обратно 2. расстояние от места работы до места жительства an hour's commute from the university —- на дорогу в университет нужен час 3. (into, for) заменять (особ. один вид оплаты другим) to commute annuity into a lump sum —- заменить аннуитет единовременной выплатой определенной суммы 4. юр. смягчать наказание to commute the death penalty to imprisonment for life —- заменить смертную казнь пожизненным заключением 5. ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода в город и обратно, обыкн по сезонному билету 6. эл. переключать (ток) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) заменять (for) Regular train travellers may commute a single monthly payment for daily tickets.  2) leg. смягчать наказание (from; into/to) The punishment was commuted from death. His punishment of death was commuted to life imprisonment.  3) electr. переключать (ток)  4) пользоваться сезонным билетом  5) совершать регулярные поездки на работу в город из пригорода (between) My father used to commute between his home in the country and his office in the city. My father used to commute the ten miles between his home in the country awl his office in the city. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. 1 intr. travel to and from one's daily work, usu. in a city, esp. by car or train. 2 tr. Law (usu. foll. by to) change (a judicial sentence etc.) to another less severe. 3 tr. (often foll. by into, for) a change (one kind of payment) for another. b make a payment etc. to change (an obligation etc.) for another. 4 tr. a exchange; interchange (two things). b change (to another thing). 5 tr. Electr. commutate. 6 intr. Math. have a commutative relation. 7 intr. US buy and use a season ticket. Etymology: L commutare commutat- (as COM-, mutare change) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; commuting)  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin commutare to change, exchange, from com- + mutare to change — more at mutable  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. change, alter  b. to give in exchange for another ; exchange  2. to convert (as a payment) into another form  3. to change (a penalty) to another less severe ~ a death sentence to life in prison  4. commutate  intransitive verb  1. make up, compensate  2. to pay in gross  3. to travel back and forth regularly (as between a suburb and a city)  4. to yield the same mathematical result regardless of order — used of two elements undergoing an operation or of two operations on elements  • commutable adjective  II. noun  Date: 1954  1. an act or an instance of commuting  2. the distance covered in commuting a long ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (commutes, commuting, commuted) 1. If you commute, you travel a long distance every day between your home and your place of work. Mike commutes to London every day... McLaren began commuting between Paris and London... He’s going to commute. VERB: V to/from n, V between n and n, V • commuter (commuters) The number of commuters to London has dropped by 100,000. ...a commuter train. N-COUNT 2. A commute is the journey that you make when you commute. (mainly AM) The average Los Angeles commute is over 60 miles a day. N-COUNT 3. If a death sentence or prison sentence is commuted to a less serious punishment, it is changed to that punishment. His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment... Prison sentences have been commuted. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed to n, be V-ed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to regularly travel a long distance to get to work + to/from/between  (Jim commutes from Weehawken to Manhattan every day.) 2 to change the punishment given to a criminal to one that is less severe  (commute a sentence (to))  (The sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment.) 3 commute sth for/into sth to exchange one thing, especially one kind of payment, for another  (He commuted his pension for a lump sum.) ~2 n C usually singular especially AmE the journey to work every day  (My morning commute takes 45 minutes.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1450, from L. commutare "to often change, to change altogether," from com- intensive prefix + mutare "to change" (see mutate). Sense of "make less severe" is 1633; sense of "go back and forth to work" is 1889 (original notion is of commutation ticket "season pass"); commuter is from 1865; the noun commute is from 1960. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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